So I went to the grocery store. So crowded! Seriously. I couldn't go through one aisle without trying to get by people for 5 minutes. Some people were just standing there talking to each other blocking the aisle all together. I was like wtf is this welfare day? I'm not exaggerating when I say it was that crowded. 0_O' Never seen a grocery store crowded like that. I bought some stuff to make me some homemade noodles and soup. Still want to try one thing, so I have to go to walmart see if they have it because Price Chopper didn't. So I opted to make some pasta instead. Was going to make Stuffed Shells [never made them before] But I didn't think the shells were big enough. So I looked for the next best thing which was, Manicotti. Never used Manicotti before, but I gave it a try! So yeah...
Maggie makes Stuffed Manicotti for the first time in her life.
The results!
>>[Click to Enlarge]<<

Hot and Cheesy!

"M'm!"- Right out of the oven!

My piece, Oooozing Cheese!

Only one piece remains! :( How sad.
There were probably about 10+ Stuffed Manicotti.
I told Michelle, Steve, Nicole, and Dave they could have some.
There's only one left. Haha.