Saturday, October 4, 2008

Lemon pepper Chicken Tenders

Lemon Pepper chicken in a 
Lemon Garlic Butter sauce.

Will post recipe later.

Cheddar and Bacon Zucchini Cakes

Cheddar and Bacon Zucchini Cakes

I love Zucchini, I pretty much buy at least 4+ when I go to the grocery store.
So yeah I eat it pretty often. I never liked it until last year though.
These are really good, they taste like potato skins (because of the ingredients), minus the potatoes. So it's healthier and yummy! You can always substitute for lower fat ingredients as well. I love them.

4 slices of bacon chopped into small pieces and fried until crisp
1 small zucchini shredded in a box grater
1C shredded cheese
2-3 scallions thinly chopped, white and green parts
2 eggs separated
1/2C white flour
1/2C yellow corn meal
2T sour cream
dash of cayenne pepper

Oil and Butter for frying

In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients except the egg whites. You will want to whip those up until soft peaks form and gently fold those into the mixture. Play with the batter until it is the texture of thick pancake batter.

Heat up a large flat skillet with both a pad of butter and some olive oil until it is hot. Add a generous dollop of the batter to the hot pan and watch carefully and flatten into discs with a spatula. Be sure to fiddle with the cakes so that they don't stick to the bottom. Once they get brown on one side flip.

Place on a plate with paper towels.

Left Overs

Pork Chop and Zucchini in a Mushroom Alfredo Sauce.

Will post recipe later.

Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops

Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops with Zucchini

Will post recipe later.

Asian Soup

Asian Soup

Miso Soup base, with Scallions, seaweed, Fried Bean Curd, and Mushroom.
With some Pho Noodles.

Will post recipe later.

Monday, March 24, 2008

..Because Hubby doesn't like pork..

My honey tells me all the time he doesn't like pork very much. So it got me expirimenting with porkchops tonight. I used to dislike pork chops, but I've learned to like them. I don't know if I'll get him to like pork chops but I did come up with something that I enjoyed alot. & I made everything from scratch. From the gravy to the roasted potatos. Nope, no frozen or microwaved foods here tonight. Needless to say this was a yummy dinner. I'm glad Honey got me liking mushrooms, they really add alot to a gravy!

Pork Chops with a Mushroom Cream Pan Gravy
& Sides
>>[Click to Enlarge]<<

So I sauteed a porkchop made a pan gravy out of the drippings, stock, cream, mushrooms, butter, cornstarch, Parsley, and seasoning.
Made a side of Lemon-garlic green beans & Garlic Rosemary roasted potatos. I sauteed them a big in garlic oil before I put them in a pan in the oven to roast with some rosemary! Overall was a very filling dinner. Though I'm still thinking about that pizza. :] Ah pregnancy cravings.

I wonder if hubby would eat this?

Spicy Tofu Noodle & Vegetable Alfredo.

Wanted a healthier lunch even though I wanted pizza, so I decided to use my tofu noodles I bought a couple days ago. I had this pasta once at a restaurant and it had Jalapeno in it to make it spicy, which made me want to use it in this to give it a kick. Needless to say, The Jalapenos were my favorite part. I was actually suprised at how good it tasted even if it's tofu noodles. I also opted to use a low fat cheese. Which also makes a little bit healthier. :)
Husband watched me make this on webcam today. :]
He probably had no idea what I was making. 
Wish you could of tried some! I would of made you eat a Jalapeno ;]

Spicy Tofu Noodle and Vegetable Alfredo.
>>[Click to Enlarge]<<

This was really good. I know i'll be making it again. It made bland tofu noodles into something I'd enjoy over and over. :)